Black Pussy Forced to Cancel Show Because of Serious Threats of Violence and Vandalism

As fans of the smooth rock and rollers, it’s with great upset when this news hit. People always moan about there not being a scene anymore, well how can there be with trivial actions such as this are going ahead?

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In 2015, the “fantastic amalgam of music, bro love and art” returns to Mississippi Studios in Portland, Oregon on April 23-25. Hosted by none other than the beloved Stump sisters, the three-day festival is more riff-filled, filthed-up and stacked than ever.
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BLACK PUSSY: Metal Injection Premieres New Video “For The Sake Of Argument” From Portland Psychedelic Rock Outfit

Portland’s infamous, infectiously catchy and ever-restless stoner-pop outfit Black Pussy (named for the original working title of The Rolling Stones’ mega-hit “Brown Sugar”–a blatantly anti-racism tune) has been busy as usual. Continue reading