Kamchatka – The Search Goes on

Released: 17/03/2014
Rating: 8/10
                                                Review by Alex Loach

A step up from its solid but underwhelming predecessor Bury Your Roots, Kamchatka’s fifth full length effort is a stunning return to form from the Swedish trio. The 60’s and 70’s inspired blues licks are present in abundance, without losing the steady groove which has driven their previous records.

As can be ascertained from the cover art much of the lyrical content is centred around oceans, most prevalently on tracks three and four: ‘Coast To Coast’ and ‘Son Of The Sea’. As has come to be expected from Kamchatka, the guitar work is absolutely sublime; with Thomas Andersson’s soulful solos taking the spotlight throughout. It can be difficult to break new ground when your band’s sound is largely reliant on being “traditional” or “pure” rock, however this album manages to keep the vintage feel yet somehow still be fresh and interesting.

This is largely owing to the outstanding vocal work which gives the band their unique sound. Imagine Anthony Kiedis singing for Led Zeppelin and you’re halfway there. The Search Goes On is the band’s finest output since their epic debut, and could surpass even that. It has the potential to be considered the quintessential Kamchatka album.

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